Kamis, 08 November 2018

Is it true that Traveling More safe with travel insurance

Currently, the trend of people spend more money for travelling is increasing drastically. However, the enthusiasm of exploring attractions is not worth the effort of setting up the safety during the trip. By taking care of travel insurance.

The millennial generation is more busy finding out about anything that can be explored via the gadget they compared to find out whether they are insured or not. "Who knowingly buy insurance is still lacking, " said PR Communication and Event Happyone, Angela Anindita launch happyone in Thamrin Nin Ballroom, Wednesday, October 17, 2018.

Reported by cermati.com, travel insurance is a type of insurance that is intended to protect you during travel. Though it did not enter into compulsory types of insurance, travel insurance is preferred for you who likes to travel, either out of town or overseas.

Many countries now require that the reference to have travel insurance. In fact, the country of destination shall prohibit the entry you when proven not registered as a user of travel insurance, such as all the countries of Europe and America. In fact, a number of Asian countries enacting the rules.

Even so, some people are lazy to take care of the travel insurance because done manually. In fact, the management of travel insurance can now be done online. Opportunities were utilized to provide Happyone services digital travel insurance through the Happytrip service.

Happytrip is designed to be more flexible, easily accessible via the internet, and using only one account, for purchase, payment, to check the history of the polis. In this way, said Angela, believed to be effective and efficient for the millennial generation that wants practicality.

Like other travel insurance, this insurance is also valid for only one trip. When you want to make a tour, can buy any insurance would like to plan a trip only.

Protection provided covers the protection of flight delay of more than eight hours, baggage protection and personal items, travel cancellation protection, as well as medical costs when ill or crash.

According to the CEO of Astra Insurance, Rudy Chen says that the product is not launched happytrip limited to follow the development of the times, but really suit your needs and ekspetasi happytrip protection, so that customers will add convenience without having to worry if something undesirable happening.

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